How do you monitor the driver’s behaviour?
Are your vehicles easy to handle on the road?
What methods to reduce fuel consumption do you use?
As fleet manager in the telecom industry, you have to keep track of the vehicles used by sales agents and by maintenance teams. By monitoring the way a vehicle is used, you can see if the employees comply with the working hours and the tasks assigned to them, but also if the drivers’ driving behaviour influence the operating costs.
How can SafeFleet help you manage the fleet?
Checking the routes
SafeFleet Portal allows you to create predefined routes, and the compliance of these routes by your intervention teams or service teams. The Track Matching report offers you a full picture of the route travelled by the vehicle. The advantages of routes is that these can also be used as a Geofence function on regions of interest.

Passing through points of interest
POI visits is an activity report generated by SafeFleet, useful for vehicles used by sales agents or maintenance teams. With the help of these reports, you can check if the required visits were indeed performed at the points of interest. This report shows you the time and duration of stopping at the points of interest, such as the company headquarter, gas stations, or customers’ address.
Details of the daily activity
With the help of the Day Overview report, SafeFleet provides a graphical representation of how time is actually used to drive the vehicles. You have the possibility to set in the app the working hours and the details of the journeys made both within and outside working hours.


Control of fuel costs
Risk profiles associated with drivers
Aggressive driving strongly influences the fuel consumption, but can also lead to expenses related to the payment of fines, vehicle repairs or damages in case of an accident. SafeFleet Portal allows you to create profiles based on the functions which monitor the drivers’ driving behaviour: harsh accelerations or braking, collisions, overspeeding and idling time.

Journeys for private purposes
If there is no delimitation between the journeys made within the working hours and those made for private purposes, it might be difficult to reduce the fuel costs. The SafeFleet app allows you to set a working schedule directly in the app, while the driver has the possibility to mark the journeys made for business purposes and those made for private purposes. The Geofence function allows you to monitor the area where the driver travels and to establish the type of journey made.
Travel sheets
The vehicle log sheets are automatically generated and easy to download. The report allows you to check the activity for the entire fleet or for a single vehicle and you no longer need to worry about travel sheets which are incomplete or which were filled out wrongly.

Companies in the telecom industry using SafeFleet solutions